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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Pre-VMA Show Point Breakdown: That Looks Like a Really Creepy Scene Out There

It's a double post day for the #JSFL. Here's what I've got point-wise for the Pre-VMA Episode followed by some hilarious quotes. It was a great quote ep if not a high scoring one.

DJ Pauly D was the MVP with 28 points. He brought home 2 randoms (5 pts each), smooshed one of them (15 pts) and said Situation three times (1 pt each)

The Situation put up 12 points. He made out with someone in the club (5 pts), brought a random home (5 pts) and said Situation twice.

Angelina scored 11 points. She made out with one of her dudes (5 pts), brought one home (5 pts) and said Situation once (1 pt). I didn't count her as having smooshed the random because there wasn't any evidence that she did, either them in bed or him leaving in the morning. The last thing you saw was him on the couch with her drinking out of the red solo cups.

Ron-Ron said Creepy once (1 pt)

Jwoww called her bf once (1 pt) and told him she was going to make some meatballs and go to sleep.

Vinnie, Snooki, and Sammi all put up 0's.

In List Form:

DJ Pauly D: 28 pts
Situation: 12 pts
Angelina: 11 pts
Ron-Ron: 1 pt
Jwoww: 1 pt

Pre-VMA Team Points:

@ckalange: 40
@handyslunch: 28
@NotPinnock: 28
@mattsisto: 13
@RobertAGeorge: 12
@wickedcoolmatt: 12
@MollyMSmith: 12
@poloshot: 2

Big Board After 7.5 Weeks:

1st) @ckalange (386.5)
2nd) @mattsisto (383)
3rd) @handyslunch (363)
4th) @NotPinnock (359.5)
5th) @RobertAGeorge (328.5)
6th) @poloshot (301)
7th) @wickedcoolmatt (263.5
8th) @MollyMSmith (234.5)

I'd like to congratulate @ckalange for knocking me off the top of the leaderboard after a 3 week reign of terror.

Here are some great quotes from this episode that I just had to put down:

"We hear you like to visit the Staten Island dump this time of year." -The Situation, to Vinny, about Angelina

"It's like a broad: you can borrow it but you've got to bring it back." Uncle Nino

Uncle Nino referred to Mike The Situation as "Mike Sanitation" which just about killed me.

"That looks like a really creepy scene right now." -Ronnie about everyone in the hot tub

"I went to the doctor, he told me to stop drinking, stop doing drugs, stop having sex. You know what I did? I switched fucking doctors." -Gross Drunk Uncle Nino (who I hope becomes a recurring character)

"Ask them if they're DTF. Don't waste any time. It's Saturday night." -The Situation. This one blew my mind because I can't imagine myself ever in a club somehow asking someone if they were in fact "DTF." Ahh, excuse me, I was wondering if there was a chance that later maybe you and I could, um, ah, uh, ahh, nevermind. Then again, I'm not week 7.5 MVP DJ Pauly D.

Be well. See you Thursday for what looks like a solid episode. I just hope Ron-Ron starts drinking more Ron-Ron Juice or @ckalange is going to be tough for anyone to beat.

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